Changes for page Data-minding the Planet - iTrade Wildlife - software to detect illegal wildlife sales
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... ... @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ 16 16 17 17 Normally the identification of cybercrime, such as the illegal wildlife trade, involves police, border force officers and independent consultants simply going through thousands of web pages by hand trying to recognise species or parts of for which trade is illegal (e.g. under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). Our services platform, iTrade, collects and goes through all these pages, automatically weighting them as more or less likely to be illegal, saving as much as 90% of the time presently required. For example, it currently takes experienced officers a day to assess 400 items of ivory from the antiques section of eBay. This can be augmented by the software in a fraction of this time, creating a sample for evaluation that contains 90% probable illegal items rather than a typical 10% for a unfiltered set of web pages. Currently the software has been developed for eBay as a proof-of-concept. We are currently expanding to other websites, including Gumtree and Alibaba, based on a £10,000 grant from the University and a further £8,000 to develop image analysis software to identify Schreger lines in images that are indicative of ivory. We already have established partners, and therefore a customer base, including the Police (National Wildlife Crime Unit - NWCU), UK Border Force (UKBF) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) with whom the PI has been working with for over 10 years. Further discussions have taken place with the Dutch police force and the NGO Traffic regarding the service as part of the Pathfinder. 18 18 19 -While we have a prototype product/service, a potential customer base, and a commercialisation plan, we lack the resources to employ a software engineer to take the product to a marketable stage and an established business structure and other resources to take the product forward. This proposal aims to advance our services to marketable quality and progress our business structure to support the deployment of our software services into the market place through further developing our IP and better matching it to the needs of our marketplace. As our business plan is currently based on relatively few organisations as regular customers, we have included resources to explore using social networks to increase capacity to raise funds. Ten specific objectives have been identified. 19 +While we have a prototype product/service, a potential customer base, and a commercialisation plan, we lack the resources to employ a software engineer to take the product to a marketable stage and an established business structure and other resources to take the product forward. This proposal aims to advance our services to marketable quality and progress our business structure to support the deployment of our software services into the market place through further developing our IP and better matching it to the needs of our marketplace. As our business plan is currently based on relatively few organisations as regular customers, we have included resources to explore using social networks to increase capacity to raise funds. Ten specific objectives have been identified. XXX 20 20 21 21 Technical Objectives 22 22