Wiki source code of Available Macros

Last modified by editors on 2023/06/04 16:49

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superadmin 1.1 1 {{velocity}}
editors 2.1 2 ## If the translation key exists, use its value, otherwise use to the provided fallback value.
3 #macro (translateOrElse $translationKey $fallback)
4 #if($services.localization.get($translationKey))
5 $services.rendering.escape($services.localization.render($translationKey), 'xwiki/2.1')##
6 #else
7 $fallback##
8 #end
9 #end
superadmin 1.1 11 ## Find all wiki macros sp that we can find if a registered macro is a wiki macro
12 #set ($wikiMacroDocuments = $services.query.xwql("from doc.object(XWiki.WikiMacroClass) as macros").execute())
13 #set ($wikiMacroMap = {})
14 #foreach($macroDocumentName in $wikiMacroDocuments)
15 #set ($macroDocument = $xwiki.getDocument($macroDocumentName))
16 #set ($macroObject = $macroDocument.getObject("XWiki.WikiMacroClass"))
17 #set ($discard = $wikiMacroMap.put($, [$macroDocument.documentReference.toString(), $macroObject.visibility]))
18 #end
editors 2.1 19 |={{translation key=''/}}|={{translation key=''/}}|={{translation key='help.macroList.categories'/}}|={{translation key='help.macroList.description'/}}|={{translation key='help.macroList.visibility'/}}
superadmin 1.1 20 #foreach ($descriptor in $services.rendering.getMacroDescriptors('xwiki/2.1'))
21 #set ($wikiMacroData = $wikiMacroMap.get($
22 #if ("$!wikiMacroData" != '')
editors 2.1 23 #set ($displayId = "[[$services.rendering.escape($services.rendering.escape($, 'xwiki/2.1'), 'xwiki/2.1')>>$wikiMacroData.get(0)]]")
superadmin 1.1 24 #set ($displayVisibility = $wikiMacroData.get(1))
25 #else
editors 2.1 26 #set ($displayId = $services.rendering.escape($, 'xwiki/2.1'))
27 #set ($displayVisibility = $services.localization.render('XWiki.WikiMacroClass_visibility_Global'))
superadmin 1.1 28 #end
editors 2.1 29 |$displayId|##
30 #translateOrElse("rendering.macro.${}.name", $
31 |##
32 #foreach($category in $services.rendering.getMacroCategories($
33 #if($foreach.index>0), #end##
34 #translateOrElse("rendering.macroCategory.$category", $category)
35 #end##
36 |##
37 #translateOrElse("rendering.macro.${}.description", $descriptor.description)
38 |$services.rendering.escape($displayVisibility, 'xwiki/2.1')
superadmin 1.1 39 #end
40 {{/velocity}}

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