Wiki source code of CSAC Publications

Last modified by editors on 2021/12/30 08:21

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1 {{include document="Mission" reference="Main.Mission"/}}
3 == Recent CSAC Publications ==
5 * 2010 Zeitlyn, D. Representation/Self-representation: A Tale of Two Portraits; or, Portraits and Social Science Representations. London: Taylor & Francis.
6 * 2010 Kemp-Benedict, E. J., S. Bharwani & M. Fischer. 2010. Using Matching Methods to Link Social and Physical Analyses for Sustainability Planning. Ecology and Society 15(3): 4. [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
7 * 2011a Applin, Sally A. and Michael Fischer. A Cultural Perspective on Mixed, Dual and Blended Reality. IUI '11: Proceedings 14th Intl Conf. on Intelligent user interfaces. ACM. [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
8 * 2011b Applin, Sally A. and Michael Fischer. Pervasive Computing in Time and Space: The Culture and Context of 'Place' Integration. 7th International Conference on Intelligent Enviroments. IE'2011. ACM 2011. pp 285-293. [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
9 * 2011 Kronenfeld, D., G Bennardo, M. Fischer and V. De Munck. //Handbook of Cognitive Anthropology//. Wiley-Blackwells.
10 * 2011 Fischer, M. and D. Kronenfeld. Simulation in Cognitive Anthropology. //Handbook of Cognitive Anthropology//. Wiley-Blackwells.
11 * 2011 De Ruiter, Jan, Gavin Weston, and Stephen M. Lyon. “Dunbar’s Number: Group Size and Brain Physiology in Humans Reexamined.” //American Anthropologist// 113(4): 557–68. [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
12 * 2012 Applin, Sally A. and Michael Fischer. PolySocial Reality: Prospects for Extending User Capabilities Beyond Mixed, Dual and Blended Reality PolySocial Reality (PoSR) from //IUI'12 LAMDa 2nd workshop on location awareness for mixed and dual reality //[[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
13 * 2012 Kokolaki, M. & Koulourioti, L. Ancient Greek myths and modern ecological conscience: representations in a wiki environment, (Wiki), project with special reference by the organization Mathisi 2.0 plus, white paper, pp. 401- 408 [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]].
14 * 2012 Daniel Sosna, David Henig. Environmentální aplikovaná antropologie (Applied Environmental Anthropology). Aplikovaná antropologie (Applied Anthropology), edited by T. Hirt. Katedra antropologických a historických v?d, Pilsen. Pp. 237-253.
15 * 2013a Applin, Sally A., Fischer, Michael D. Watching Me, Watching You. (Process surveillance and agency in the workplace). //IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society// (ISTAS), 2013. p 268-275. IEEE Conference Publications [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
16 * 2013b Applin, Sally A, Fischer Michael D. Asynchronous adaptations to complex social interactions. //IEEE Technology and Society Magazine// 32:4 pp35-44. DOI 10.1109/MTS.2013.2286426 (December, 2013) [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
17 * 2013 Ellen, Roy and Fischer, Michael. Introduction: //Understanding Cultural Transmission//. London: Berghahn.
18 * 2013 Fischer, M.D. & Kokolaki, M. Comments and Reflections, Urbanities, 3, 2, pp. 114-117, [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
19 * 2013 Fischer, M. D., Lyon, S., Henig, D. and Sousna, D. Harmonizing Diversity: Tuning Anthropological Research to Complexity. //Social Science Computer Review//.
20 * 2013 Kokolaki, M. Culinary knowledge: Polysemy and the poetics of metaphor constructing the everyday experience in a Cretan town. Ethnologia-Online, v. 4, pp. 1-33, [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
21 * 2013 Kokolaki, M. The black wave: Multiple Representations and Transformations of a Literary Text. Scenario for Greek Literature Class and interdisciplinary with Greek Language Class, 7th Greek Congress of Educators for the ICT, Conference Proceedings, Syros, June 21-23 2013.
22 * 2013 Kokolaki, M. & Dogkogianni, M. Climate change and its impact on archaeological sites. Building awareness in a virtual creative classroom, The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom Brighton, UK 2013, Conference Proceedings 2013. IAFOR: Nagoya, pp. 419-427, [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]•
23 * 2013 Kokolaki, M., Fischer, M.D. & Dogkogianni, M. Representations of local environmental knowledge: instantiating cultural landscapes in a virtual classroom, The 7th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning, Athens, v. 6, pp. 103-110, [[online access>>url:||rel="__blank"]]
24 * 2013 Kokolaki, M. & Koulourioti, L. Ancient Greek myths and modern ecological conscience: representations in a wiki environment. Project in English Language Class, 7th Greek Congress of Educators for the ICT, Conference Proceedings, Syros.
25 * 2013 Read, Dwight, Fischer, Michael and Leaf, Murray. What are Kinship Terminologies, and why do we care? //Social Science Computer Review//.
26 * 2013 Sosna, Daniel, Brunclikova, Lenka and Henig, David. Testing iPad in the field: A case of relational database in garbological research. //Anthropologie// L1/3, pp 421- 430.
27 * 2014 Kokolaki, M., Fischer M.D., Kyriakidis, E., Koulourioti, E., Dogkogianni, M. Revaluing cultural heritage in vulnerable times: the potential contribution of mythical stories through digital and interactive storytelling, paper submitted for publication, Proceedings of the International Conference of Digital Storytelling in Times of Crisis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, 8-10 May 2014.
28 * 2014 Read, Dwight, Fischer, Michael and Lehman, F. K. (Chit Hlaing). The Cultural Grounding of Kinship: A Paradigm Shift. //L'Homme// n. 210, pp. 63-90.
29 * (% style="font-size: 14px;" %)2015 Bharwani, Sukaina, Coll Besa, Mònica , Taylor, Richard, Fischer, Michael, Devisscher, Tahia and Kenfack, Chrislain. Identifying Salient Drivers of Livelihood Decision-Making in the Forest Communities of Cameroon: Formalising Empirical Evidence for Use in a Social Simulation Models. //Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation// 18 (1) 3 http:~/~/
30 * 2015 Applin, S.A. and Fischer, M.D. (2015). Applied Agency: Resolving Multiplexed Communication in (and between) Automobiles. //IEEE Technology and Society Magazine//, March 2015.
31 * 2015 Applin, S.A. and Fischer, M.D. (2015.) Towards a Multi-User Social Augmented Reality Experience. //IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine//, April, 2015.\\
32 * forthcoming Lyon, Stephen, Fischer, Michael, Henig. David. Four Decades of Computing and Anthropology. (book chapter)
33 * forthcoming, Fischer, Michael, Lyon, Stephen, Zeitlyn, David, and Henig, David. The Internet and the Future of Social Science Research. in //Online Research//, (eds) N. Fielding and R. Lee. Sage, London.
35 == Past Publications ==
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